Our vision is for Riverhill to be a sustainable estate, a family home for future generations and a welcoming and much-loved destination for visitors.
The restoration and regeneration of the gardens needs to balance the historical context and our environmental impact as we strive to create beautiful spaces to spend time in, both for our visitors and for the family.
You’ll find out more about the people behind Riverhill on this page, including how you can become a part of our story. If you’d like to find out more about the history of Riverhill and the gardens, visit our History & Restoration page.
Meet the Team
Before the Second World War there were eight gardeners, and many other estate workers. The years following the war proved to be tough and, with limited funds available, large areas of the garden were allowed to decline. By the end of the century, the family did the vast majority of the gardening and maintenance themselves. However, since our ‘re-launch’ in 2010, with the benefit of garden visitor income and grant funding, the team has grown: Head Gardener, Misako Kasahara, is now assisted by two part-time gardeners and a garden volunteer team. Our ticket office is also run entirely by volunteers and volunteers assist us in many other areas, including our school visits.
Volunteer with us
Get in touch, if you would like to volunteer in the gardens. You will be assured of a warm welcome and plenty of cake!