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Enjoyed your time in the Gardens?

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We would be very grateful if you would consider leaving us a review……

Good, helpful reviews are invaluable for small businesses. They help endorse and promote the Gardens, for free, to a wider range of prospective visitors, and they are so useful for future visitors to know what to expect and to get the most out of their trip too.

Please know that no reviews go unread by us, and we appreciate every one!

If something has gone wrong during your time with us, or if you have suggestions as to how we could improve, please consider emailing us about it, before leaving us a bad review. It gives us a chance to deal with it personally and try our best to resolve and make amends where ever possible. We really do want you to go away with good memories of Riverhill and will always do our best to resolve and restore your faith in us!

 Thank you so much for spending time in the gardens!
