Introducing our new Head Gardener, Misako Kasahara
Misako joined us in November, just after the Gardens closed for the season. Meaning that she didn’t get to meet any of you but she did get thrown in at the deep end with all the big winter jobs!
Four months in and we can already feel the Misako effect in the Gardens. There have been huge amounts of clearing, striping back and planting and, most importantly, Misako has been a huge hit with our existing Garden Team.
As Misako spends all her time out in the gardens somewhere we don’t get much time to chat so I thought I would ask her a few questions to share with you before you finally get to meet her in March.
What is your favourite part of Riverhill and why?
It's a little early to say because I'm looking forward to seeing all seasons, but I do like the 'new' Rock Garden and ferns - I can tell a lot of hard work was put in to bring new life into a neglected alpine rock garden. The fern collection there is very interesting and exciting - I'm looking forward to getting to know them.
Where did you train / what are your areas of expertise / particular interest?
I did seven years training after doing some commercial horticulture work in London for 3-4 years. First three years with PGG (Professional Gardeners Guild) at three different gardens (The Garden House in Devon, Windsor Great Park and National Botanic Garden of Wales), then another three years on Kew Diploma at Kew Gardens. I got a little addicted to being a 'student' by then and proceeded to spend one more year at RHS Wisley as a specialist placement student in Arboriculture.
I love all sorts of different plants but my passion is trees and shrubs. Woody plants contribute massively to our ecosystem and biodiversity and large trees in particular, makes me feel small in a good way.
Misako carrying out Winter tree work at Ramster Gardens.
Where did you work previously?
I worked in some private and communal gardens in London to start with, then all the amazing gardens I had my training at (mentioned above). Then I was the head gardener at a garden called Ramster Gardens in Chiddingfold, Surrey. This is an absolutely beautiful woodland style garden with Rhododendrons, Camellias, Magnolias, Japanese maples and more. They also have amazing old oak trees. I highly recommend a visit if you are in the area.
How did you decide where to start and what are you currently working on?
Luckily, I didn't have to decide where to start - the team already had a winter projects list ready for me. That doesn't mean I didn't have any input however - we discuss things together and help each other out all the time. I got to choose a new area for the collection of hydrangea that were to be moved out from Walled Garden.
We have done a lot of infrastructure improvement work this winter including creating new paths and installing a drainage system. We also just opened a new garden team mess room which we have named 'The Green Room'. It is where many cups of tea and coffee (and cakes!) will be consumed from now on.
Currently we are busy getting the garden ready for the opening on 10th March!
Left image: Misako is currently pruning the Rose beds. Right image: Drainage and path improvements on the walk down from the car park.
Can you let us in on any future plans for the Gardens?
I would like to observe how everything works in the whole set of seasons first, but my current ambition is to make the access to the Wood Garden better so that more people can enjoy the far end of the garden and to increase and enhance the plant collection there. Riverhill is a very special place and full of potential. I hope we can gradually develop the garden in a sympathetic and exciting way.
'My holiday is more often about plants than not. Looking at native plants in Madeira with a friend from Kew Gardens’
I am really enjoying getting to know Misako, her knowledge and passion for plants and gardens are incredible and she is lovely to talk to. Please do say hello when you see her in the gardens and look out for some Misako touches as we go through the season!